
After earning a BA in psychology at the University of Northern Colorado, I earned an MA in psychology at 圣地亚哥 State University. My area of interest at that time was in the effects of social identification on decisions about social justice. 我在芝加哥洛约拉大学完成了博士学位, where I developed further expertise in social justice theory, as well as expertise in statistical analysis and research methodology. In the Fall of 2011, I earned my doctorate in applied social psychology. 在澳门金沙博彩娱乐平台, I am passionate about teaching undergraduates how to use psychological science to think critically about the world, 特别是, about the profound injustice brought about by socioeconomic disparity. I also love teaching students how to conduct and apply psychological research. My best feature (and my most precious resource) is my attention; when I'm not working, 我把注意力都放在我的两个孩子身上, 致我的丈夫, 还有书.


  • 博士学位.罗耀拉大学,芝加哥(芝加哥,伊利诺伊州),2011
  • M.A.,美国圣地亚哥州立大学,2005
  • B.A.,北科罗拉多大学(格里利市,有限公司 .), 2002


  • 多布森,J. A.雅各布,E., & 多布森,我. (新闻). Toward an experiential approach to entrepreneurial education. 高等教育理论与实践杂志.
  • Prislin R.博伊尔,S. M., Faker, J.法利,A.雅各布,E., & Zandian F. (2011). Persuasion in the dynamic context: On being influenced while trying to persuade. 社会心理学与人格科学,2,51 -58.
  • Tindale R. S., & 雅各布斯,E. (2010). 组内存. 在J. M. 莱文 & M. A. 霍格(Eds.) Encyclopedia of group processes and intergroup relations (pp. 346 – 349). 伦敦:Sage出版社.
  • 雅各布斯,E.克里斯滕森,P. N., & Prislin R. (2009). Of practicalities and perspective: What is fair in group decision-making? 社会科学进展,25 (5):393 - 397.
  • 克里斯坦森,P. N.普里斯林,R., & 雅各布斯,E. (2009). Motives for social influence after social change: Are new majorities power hungry? 社会影响,200 -215页.
  • Tindale R. S.斯塔维斯基,S., & 雅各布斯,E. (2008). 共同认知和群体学习. 在V. Sessa & M. 伦敦(Eds.),《澳门金沙博彩娱乐平台》(第2页). 73 – 90). 纽约:劳伦斯·厄尔鲍姆.
  • Prislin R.克里斯滕森,P. N.雅各布,E. (2005). Group size, power, and change: The effects of conceptual representation on group interaction. Review of Psychology, International Journal of 克罗地亚n Psychological Association, 12, 81-89.


  • 人格与社会心理学学会
  • 东方心理学会
  • 教师 sponsor for 西顿希尔大学 Psychology Club


  • 雅各布斯,E.杜布森,J. A.S .坦圭., & Patal P. (2017). Toward an experiential approach to entrepreneurship education. 海报 presented at the annual meeting of the 东方心理学会, Boston, MA.
  • Kupets H. J.Barczynski, K. M.杜根,K. R.雅各布,E., & Bartel J. S. (2017). “这很复杂.“定义勾搭的一种接地气的方法. 海报 presented at the annual meeting of the 东方心理学会, Boston, MA.
  • Ehrhardt,. R.Ponczek, S.巴特尔,J. S., & 雅各布斯,E. (2017). 预测“这很复杂.道德,宗教信仰,以及对勾搭的认可. 海报 presented at the annual meeting of the 东方心理学会, Boston, MA.
  • Matejcic, M. & 雅各布斯,E. (2017). 重新定义性别问题的干预策略. 海报 presented at the annual meeting of the 东方心理学会, Boston, MA.
  • 雅各布斯,E. & 多布森,J. A. (2016). The theory of planned behavior in international education. 海报 presented at the annual meeting of the 东方心理学会, New York, NY.
  • Barcznski K.霍雷尔,M.马杰契奇,M.; Ripley, S.西蒙尼,J.雅各布,E., & 多布森,J. A. (2016). International business in the classroom: An interdisciplinary approach. 海报 presented at the annual meeting of the 东方心理学会, New York, NY.
  • Bartel J. S.雅各布,E., & 克拉克,维. (2016). Factor structure of the self-reporting questionnaire (SRQ-20) in an American population. 海报 presented at the annual meeting of the 东方心理学会, New York, NY.
  • 雅各布斯,E. & Bartel J. (2015). Challenges to diversity in Westmoreland County, PA: Business owner perspectives. 海报 presented at the annual meeting of the 东方心理学会, Philadelphia, PA.
  • Martz B. & 雅各布斯,E. (2015). 追逐快感:成瘾类型的含义, 外围线索, 同理心的神经可塑性. 海报 presented at the annual conference of the 东方心理学会, Philadelphia, PA.
  • 雅各布斯,E.马茨,B., & Samide R. (2014). More (or less) than face value: Impact of context on losing support. 海报 presented at the annual meeting of the 东方心理学会, Boston, MA.
  • Lemmo, M. 雅各布,E., & Bartel J. (2014). Beyond the ivory tower: Challenges to racial diversity in Westmoreland County. 海报 presented at the annual meeting of the 东方心理学会, Boston, MA.
  • 雅各布斯,E. (2014). 网络群体动态与网络正义感知. 海报 presented at the annual meeting of the 人格与社会心理学学会, 奥斯丁, TX.
  • 雅各布斯,E.巴特尔,J. S.M .德比., lemo, M*, & 礼拜日,M. (2013). “他们”与“我们”:共情关怀的含义. 海报 presented at the annual meeting for the 东方心理学会, New York, NY.
  • Bartel J. S.雅各布,E.马佐,M.,莱莫,M., & 德比,米. (2013). Men like it cold: Differential affective reactions to social warmth. 海报 presented at the annual meeting for the 东方心理学会, New York, NY.
  • 雅各布斯,E.R .廷代尔. S., & Starkel R. (2013). 社会影响在概率推理中的作用. 海报 presented at the annual meeting of the 人格与社会心理学学会, 新奥尔良, LA.
  • 雅各布斯,E., & Tindale R. S., (2012). Out-group perspective-taking leads to decreases in helping behavior. 海报 presented at the annual meeting of the 人格与社会心理学学会, 圣地亚哥, CA.
  • 雅各布斯,E.E . Dziergas.*,斯特里克罗斯,T., & 瓦格纳,维. (2009a). 网络群体动力学: 变化后的识别和公平. 海报上展示了年度会议 the 心理科学协会,旧金山,加州.
  • 雅各布斯,E.斯塔克尔,R.Nichols, L.托宾,M., & Tindale R. S. (2009b). 基于法官-顾问范式的基本率估计. 海报介绍说,年会 心理科学协会,旧金山,加州.
  • Starkel R.雅各布,E.Nichols, L.托宾,M., & Tindale R. S. (2009c). 社会效应 易出错估计的推理. 海报介绍说,年会 心理科学协会,旧金山,加州.
  • 马丁内斯,R. N.塔尔博特,M. E.雅各布,E.斯塔克尔,R., & Tindale R. S. (2009d). Groups avoid conjunction fallacy as a function of training. 海报在中西部展出 心理学会年会,芝加哥,伊利诺伊州.
  • 托尔伯特,M. E.马丁内斯,R. N.雅各布,E.斯塔克尔,R., & Tindale R. S. (2009e). Can training increase the use of base rate information by groups? Paper presented at the Midwestern 心理学会年会,芝加哥,伊利诺伊州.
  • Tindale R. S.雅各布,E., & Starkel R. (2009). 社会影响在概率推断中的作用. Paper presented at the Fourth Annual Conference of the Interdisciplinary Network for Group Research, 科罗拉多斯普林斯, CO.
  • Tindale R. S.斯塔克尔,R., & 雅各布斯,E. (2009). 群体决策错误中的社会影响过程. 海报 presented at the Society for Judgment and Decision Making Annual Meeting, Boston, MA.
  • 雅各布斯,E.斯塔克尔,R,尼科尔斯,L., & Tindale R. S. (2008a). Individuals and Groups Avoid Bias in Estimating Base-Rates as a Function of Training. 海报 presented at the annual meeting of the Association for 心理科学,芝加哥,伊利诺斯州.
  • Starkel R.雅各布,E.Nichols, L., & Tindale R. S. (2008b). 社会推理对易出错估计的影响. 海报 presented at the annual meeting of the Association for 心理科学,芝加哥,伊利诺斯州.
  • Tindale R. S.斯塔维斯基,S.斯塔克尔,R., & 雅各布斯,E. (2008c). 社会效应 Information Processing on Probability Estimation. 海报 presented at the annual meeting of the Midwestern Psychological Association, Chicago, IL.
  • Tindale R. S.雅各布,E., & Starkel R. (2008). 成员培训/专业知识的作用 提高群体判断能力. Paper presented at the Interdisciplinary Network for Group 密苏里州堪萨斯城研究中心.
  • Tindale R. S.雅各布,E., & Starkel R. (2008). 社会信息处理与概率估计. 海报 presented at the European Association of Experimental Social Psychology General Meeting, 奥帕, 克罗地亚.
  • 雅各布斯,E. (2007a). The fair group procedures scale: Initial psychometric evidence. 海报 presented at the annual meeting of the Midwestern Psychological Association, Chicago, IL.
  • 雅各布斯,E. (2007b). Group fairness preferences in the aftermath of social change. 海报 presented at the annual meeting of the Association for Psychological Science, 华盛顿特区.C.
  • Stawiski,年代.Kykema-Engblade, A.维托斯基,E.斯塔克尔,R., & 雅各布斯,E. (2006a). Shared stereotypes versus shared processing goals for mock juries. 海报 presented at the annual meeting of the Midwestern Psychological Association, Chicago, IL.
  • Tindale R. S.摩根,P.斯塔维斯基,S.戴克玛-英格布尔,A.麦森赫尔德,H.维特科夫斯基,E., & 雅各布斯,E. (2006b). Further explorations of the individual-group discontinuity effect. Paper presented at the First Annual INGRoup Conference, Pittsburgh
  • 雅各布斯,E.法利,A.菲尔森,J.黄,C.米勒,M.B页., & Prislin R. (2005).权力之塔:少数群体达成共识的动机. 海报 presented at the annual meeting of the Western Psychological Association, Portland, OR.
  • 博伊尔,年代. M.艾萨克,H. D.雅各布,E.坂本,A. Y.克里斯滕森,P. N.普里斯林,R.(2004). Type of support moderates reactions to social change within groups. 海报 presented at the annual meeting of the Western Psychological Association, Phoenix, AZ.